"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog."
"In this assignment I was trying to show this quote in a picture. For the first picture I did a size comparison of the dachsund and the stuffed animal dog. This was to show the 'size' of the dogs. And in the second photo the dachsund was on top of the stuffed animal to show that he 'defeated' the stuffed animal. This was to show size does not matter."
"In this assignment I was trying to show this quote in a picture. For the first picture I did a size comparison of the dachsund and the stuffed animal dog. This was to show the 'size' of the dogs. And in the second photo the dachsund was on top of the stuffed animal to show that he 'defeated' the stuffed animal. This was to show size does not matter."