
Gaming by Crystal F.

I was over at my friend's house and decided to take shots through out his home. The guys there like to play card games, so while they were setting up I decided to take a chance on it. I turned out liking this photograph quite a lot. The contrast shows here and there in the piece; so it makes your eyes wander through out it. I have to admit; the main person showing here makes for a good subject when he's acting natural as well. It made the photograph work out even better than anticipated.


Decay by Chelsea G.

For this photo, I wanted to inflict a certain emotion out of the person viewing the picture by taking a familiar everyday object- in this case a newspaper dispenser- and taking a picture of it when it is broken down and beaten. When we see objects or locations that are familiar to us, and they are in a conditions that aren't perfect, we are inflicted by certain emotions that reflect on the idea of breaking down and sadness.


Sad Ursa by Amethyst

I wanted to capture emotions out of lifeless things (my stuffed animals). Since I'm going off to college and leaving some behind, I wanted to catch a sort of melancholy feeling. I think the three pictures tell a deep and depressing story of this bear's misery. I also like how ironic and different the pictures are. When you see teddy bears, they usualy remind us of innocence and comfort, but these photos take it to a whole new level.


abstract by rachel l

My project was to take abstract photos, so i was just taking pictures of random objects I found. I took a few photos of a pile of wood actually because i had to finish the roll of film. I ended up liking those pictures the best out of any of the other ones I took that day so that's how this photo came to be!


absense by Remsha Y.

When i first printed this picture, i was surprised by how much the photo was lacking. There was way too much contrast and there was nothing to really look at. I took a look at the picture again and thought about it. This picture was a great example of absense and loneliness. I began to like how the photo lacked emotion, it was just a blank feeling. Now this is one of my favorite photos.

Easter by Stacy B.

This picture was taken during Easter, and my mother and I were painting eggs in the Ukranian fashion. Many of my pictures have hands as the subject matter, and this was no exception. Somehow, hands always work for me and in this case they make the picture. The hands themselves are in focus, while the egg is slightly out of focus, adding to the picture.