This is a multiple exposure photo.
Whose Choice? by Vianca L.
The idea to project the image of a sonogram onto the stomach of a naked teenage girl first popped into my head in mid-January of this year. It was after a conversation with a friend about the difficult choice of abortion. She had just informed me that she had been having unprotected sex – no form of birth control whatsoever. “Forget the plethora of STDs you’ve probably already contracted… what happens when you get pregnant?” I asked, to which she nonchalantly replied, “Oh, that’s easy. I’ll just get an abortion.” I spent the next half hour desperately trying to convince her that abortions were not that easy. Did she have any idea how heavy her statement was? How could she so carelessly decide what she would do in that sort of situation? The more I thought about it however, the more I realized I could ask myself the same question. Did I have any idea what I would do if I ever got pregnant? No. After much thought however, I came to the conclusion that the one thing I was sure of, was that if I ever did find myself in that situation, I didn’t want someone else making the decision for me. On a topic that is so controversial, and yet so personal, this project was created to stir up questioning in the minds and hearts of other teenage girls like me.
This kid by Madison O
This photo is one of my favorites. I enjoy the contrast and the fact that you can still see some graffiti on the wall. One of the main reasons I like this picture so much is because off all the detail that came out. Also this day is one of my most cherished memories.
Running Thoughts by Mackenzie C.
This is a photograph I took of my best friend at a track meet. I always enjoy taking pictures of people. My favorite thing about photography is the fact that you can capture a specific moment in time and immortalize it. When I take pictures of people, it is always a particular memory that can never be duplicated or replaced. It will never happen the exact same way twice. Her expression, her clothing, the location, the lighting, is all unique to this one particular moment and therefore it is unique and special. I feel like this picture depicts a story, from the thoughtful look on her face, to the open bag laying in the background, to the fact she is laying in the long grass in the sun. This picture is meaningful to me because the subject is someone I care about and while it took a while for me to develop a good print, I think that this picture has a strong composition, good exposure, and it is one of my favorite pieces that i have produced this year.
"My Mother" by Dana P
Last summer, my mother was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer. This photograph was taken after her bilateral mastectomy.
Tulip by Jess L.
This photo took a lot of time and patience to achieve but it is by far my favorite photo I have taken. I tried so many different angles and compositions and this shot looks exactly the way I imagined it would look. The process of printing the photo in the dark room was so enjoyable because I loved the negative and wanted to capture the beauty of it in the print. Overall, I am very pleased with this photo and can't wait to frame it in my house.
Ice by Michael Y.
This is definitely one of my favorite BW film photos, on one of the best rolls I've taken, even though the negatives were bent and broken. It was about early March, and I was taking a hike through the woods near my house until I came to this stream. The stream had thawed out from the ice, but there was still some ice near the edge, so I broke off a chunk and took this picture. Unfortunately, my negatives disappeared, and now I only have this one copy.
Untitled by Indigo V.
This was one of those pictures I took without expecting much from it, it was just a pretty flower, but I love everything about it- the lines and how the edges of the flower are darker instead of lighter. It's not my strongest photo this year but I think it's the prettiest.
The Eyes of March by Nick N.

Sweet vs. Evil by Emily R.
This is a photo of my sister portraying "sweet vs. evil." I wanted to be able to show two distinct faces in a single photograph. The left side of her face represents the dark, evil side of a person and the right side is showing the nice, innocent side.
"Gavin" by Hannah S
This photo is of my 2 year old nephew Gavin. I take mainly photos of him because he is the most lively human being I have ever met. His emotions are a joy to capture.
"untitled" by Abigail B.
I started taking photos of portraits during the second semester. I really enjoy it better than just taking photos here and there. I dont know why. I choose this photo because the expressioin on her face is intense. This photo is one of my favorites. I just wish the contrast came out alittle better.
The Waterfall- by Joseph G.
This photo was taken on River Rd. in Ulster Park. The use of a slow shutter speed gave the water a somewhat foggy appearance.
Kingston Point- by Joseph G.
This photo was taken mid morning at Kingston Point Beach. I liked it becasue it has a decent amount of contrast and reflection.
"Untitled" by Caitlin S.
I took photo 2 for the sole purpose of taking portraits. This is one of them. I'm not sure exactly why I like taking portraits so much. My main reason just might be that you're capturing a person's moment in time, the express on their face, and the surrounding they're in. I chose this picture because it has good contrast, and the expression on his face could have so many interpretations. I guess it's just how one can see it compared to how another can.
Untitled by Mike W.
This photo in particular is of my car is at one of my local beaches. Out of all the pictures I have taken of my car, I liked this on the most.
Decisions by Stacy B.
This was my last project for the class and I chose to do decisions. This one was particularly interesting because of the difference between the shoes. My classmates enjoyed this one out of all the prints I had made from these negatives.
Puddle by Amanda Y
This image was taken on the SUNY Albany campus. I love the clarity of the photo and how it resembles looking into the past through the reflection.
"My Life Through a Looking Glass" By Larissa L
I like this photograph for what it shows. Photography is sometimes an easy way to express a feeling, or a memory. I decided to capture a painful memory, so maybe it would be easier for me to live with it. People don't understand what others may go through, because they can hide it so well. This photo captured my life through a "glass" that was covering for something for so long. I finally had enough courage to take a picture of something with more power, and something more than "just a photograph in a class"
Wiffle Ball by Matt M

Gaming by Crystal F.
I was over at my friend's house and decided to take shots through out his home. The guys there like to play card games, so while they were setting up I decided to take a chance on it. I turned out liking this photograph quite a lot. The contrast shows here and there in the piece; so it makes your eyes wander through out it. I have to admit; the main person showing here makes for a good subject when he's acting natural as well. It made the photograph work out even better than anticipated.
Decay by Chelsea G.
For this photo, I wanted to inflict a certain emotion out of the person viewing the picture by taking a familiar everyday object- in this case a newspaper dispenser- and taking a picture of it when it is broken down and beaten. When we see objects or locations that are familiar to us, and they are in a conditions that aren't perfect, we are inflicted by certain emotions that reflect on the idea of breaking down and sadness.
Sad Ursa by Amethyst
I wanted to capture emotions out of lifeless things (my stuffed animals). Since I'm going off to college and leaving some behind, I wanted to catch a sort of melancholy feeling. I think the three pictures tell a deep and depressing story of this bear's misery. I also like how ironic and different the pictures are. When you see teddy bears, they usualy remind us of innocence and comfort, but these photos take it to a whole new level.
abstract by rachel l
My project was to take abstract photos, so i was just taking pictures of random objects I found. I took a few photos of a pile of wood actually because i had to finish the roll of film. I ended up liking those pictures the best out of any of the other ones I took that day so that's how this photo came to be!
absense by Remsha Y.

When i first printed this picture, i was surprised by how much the photo was lacking. There was way too much contrast and there was nothing to really look at. I took a look at the picture again and thought about it. This picture was a great example of absense and loneliness. I began to like how the photo lacked emotion, it was just a blank feeling. Now this is one of my favorite photos.
Easter by Stacy B.
"untitled" by Skyler O.

It was very interesting experimenting with leaving the shutter of my camera open while photographing myself using a lighter for my light source. i had to use slow photo paper in the darkroom because of how dark my prints were coming out. my prints came out pretty creepy and abnormal. i again experimented putting my fingers in the developer and developing a specific part of my photo. when this print came out, i decided i wanted to find a way to make this print even more odd looking. to do this, i printed the photo as a negative.
Flora On The Wall by Julie M.
Youth by Julie M.
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