
Reflective Water Rob C

It was kind of a last minute photo but I liked how it turned out. Especially how you can barely tell the water from the sky.

Waterfalls Rob C

Personally I like the contrastand the quality of the imaage. Even though I had to expose the paper for like 30 seconds


Barn, Pia R.

I took this photo in a series of portraits of the same person. I feel transported to another time when i look at this photo. I based if off of the work of my favorte photographer Steve McCurry and a photo he took of a woman near a shed.

Untitled Lindsay R

this photo was planned out. it was inspired by a song i heard. i like the contrast. and the way it turned out.

KHS - Mairead B

This was a last minute thing. Not something I'm ecstatic about but I think it turned out okay for what it is.

momma- Marykate M.

This is my mom. She dressed up for me and we went into New Paltz and had fun.


type writer Jenny F.

This photo to me is very interesting because the lighting seems to give the type writer its own character. It’s like this old type writer is screaming to be used again, but at the same time it is hiding what other have written with it. What memories are the old keys hiding, what have the keys whispered to the spiders as they build webs around its gears. When the rust flakes off what will be revealed.

UPAC Alley by Aliyah G-R

For the past 11 years I've been attending New York Conservatory for the Arts. Each year, we put on a performance at UPAC. We spend much of our time in the dressing rooms and back alley. This year I decided the alley would be a beautiful subject for photos, and one i've yet to see photographed by my peers. I tried to capture the eeriness and mystery of the old alley from the fire escape outside of my dressing room.

Untitled Nicole S.

I took this photo down by the strand. These are some of the older buildings still left in our town. Im very happy with the outcome of this photo.


Untitled by Vince M.

The project was music in our lives. I was playing round with some of my different lenses, and focused in on an odd part. I thought it would be different to see what happened.

Untitled (Dad) by Aljaff

My curiosity of anatomical systems engages my creativity. I explore the relationship between nakedness and vulnerability; the idea of exposing hidden systems. I push the boundaries of intimacy between subject and photographer to create this work.

untitled- Chris G.

I took this photo on the high school campus. I thought this photo represnted how the security at the high school as gotten much tighter, since my freshman year.


"Photographer" by Amber R.

I used this photo as part of my final. I think it's a good photo because it shows what photography is about. It doesn't just show someone's face or someone doing something exciting -- it actually portrays someone as being "the photographer."
I did have trouble, however. The negative strip had smudges on it and I couldn't get them off for a while. They're still there, sadly, but not as noticeable. And of course I've had to print it a few times to get the right contrasts between the subject and the rest of the image.


Opportunity by Liz J.

shed roof + cloudless sky=vast whiteness with opportunity for the viewers' own interpretation

Processed by Liz J.

Some burning was involved.


pin hole by leona.R

For this pin hole i did a self portrait of myself. Then i did a paper negative of the original print. I got the idea to dothis just because i havent seen anyone else do it so i tried it. I didnt know if it would work but it came out good. I am very pleased with how well it worked.

Puddle By: Erin C

This was the first photo i ever took, and the first project. I was really proud of this picture because it's really different from what i usually take pictures of.


Skull by Jeri G.R.

Hop-Scotch by Courtney P

I like this picture, because it was one of those pictures where the idea just popped into my head.
the project I did this picture for was "Essence of Youth" i decided to use this picture for that project, because i remember when I was younger, going outside playing hop-scotch. just one of those things that made me happy when i was little.


Tubes by Shannon S.

Final of three in a series, these are tubes at a place behind Bailey Middle School.

Tracks by Shannon S.

Two of three in a series, these are train tracks at the Kingston Point. A happy accident-- the sun beam coming down in the middle.

Planks by Shannon S.

One of three in a series, these are wooden planks with soldiers painted on them nailed to a board behind a bus stop in Connecticut.

Ocean Breeze by Kamalyn S.

Multi-exposure... This is a picture of Lauren H and I, and we were at a beach. We had a tripod set up, and the camera had self-timer. I thought that this picture was a little boring with the empty sky, so i found a picture of train tracks. and exposed half of the picture in the sky.


Smoker by Amber R.

This is my brother. He's a loser. But I thought that since I was taking pictures for the "Essence of Youth" project, this would be a good example. I took a few shots of him smoking the cigarette(s) -- some with smoke, some without. This one worked the best.


Surgery by Will F

I like this picture simply because it is surgery at its finest.


After the Rain by Caroline G.

I like this picture mostly because of the pattern on the boots. To me, it looks like someone came home form a long, cold, rainy day and took them off inan anticipating sorta way, liket hey couldn't wait to get out of them and start to relax.

Brothers by Caroline G.

I like this photo because of how the boys are twins and how they're both doing the same thing, with a different facial expression. It shows how they are simliar yet different at the same time.

escape 1 and 2 by Leann C

This is a close up of some graffiti on the fire escape. I like how there's different layers of text and how much art is in graffiti that most people don't notice.

I took this on the fire escape outside of Mrs. G's room. I think the angle works and all the graffiti enhances the texture of the piece.

energy drinks mark k

juan drinking energy drinks


3 Amigas by Caroline G.

Gabe by Mackenzie F.

I think this is a very good example of how many young girls feel about their bodies. I like this picture because you can feel the emotion of the girl.

Baby Jack by Caroline G.

I like to tak e pictures of Baby Jack because they seem more candid and you can't pose a baby because they have minds of their own.


Church? by Julianna LaFazia

I wanted to do an architectural piece, that showed a difference of contrast for the same image. these two arches are part of the fair street reformed church. The arch on the left is much darker than its right side twin. The left side seems to be barred, with little hope, while the right side is promising and open.


Sculpture at Storm King by Henry M

I took this photo at Storm King on a beautiful spring day. I enjoyed all the sculptures and the shadows and light in them. Out of all the shots I took I liked this one because it looks like half an egg with the yoke taken out of it. I definately recomend Storm King for great photo oportunities.


Untitled by Caroline G.

I was walking to meet my two friends to take pictures of them for my portrait project, and someone was washing their car and the water was running down into the street and the drain. it looked really pretty to me, so i took it. I really like the way it came out though.

Danger Zone by Jon B

First Things First by Jon B

Not too hot, not too cold.

Excitement by Jon B

Sometimes you just capture the moment at the most opportune time.

untitled lauren h.

this artisit will update a.s.a.p


untitled Erika C

I found this book in an old beaten down laundry truck. I thought that the book's condition would make it an interesting photograph.

untitled lauren h.

I was originally going to take pictures of my friends near a cemetary. After taking pictures of them i ventured off into the woods and began taking pictures of the water.


untitled By Amie S.

This photograph was my first multiple exposure from photo I. I really like to work with nature, it is displayed in a lot of my work. Doing this multiple exposure was different, but still worked with my usual subject. I liked the way it came out, especially because it was my first multiple exposure