
Stairs Leslie W.

This was done by cutting up a 8x10 picture and then putting it back together with spaces in between each piece. Then i rephotographed the picture and made it 5x7. Although i like how this one turned out, i wish i could have experimented more, cutting more pieces and using different shapes and sizes.


Abstract by Louise D.

The top picture is of the headlight on my mom's car. The bottom two pictures are of the rims on my car. When I took these pictures I was very pressed for time so I just ran to my driveway and decided to take pictures of the cars. While I was taking the pictures I was unsure about how the negatives would turn out, but once i processed and printed them I was very happy with the end result.

Steven M.

"Portraits" By Jess G.

"Every Picture Tells A Story" By Nikki B.


puddle Marie B.

The whole idea of taking the reflection of objects in puddles is fun.
This picture is one of my favorites because most people don't know
that it's a reflection.

Abstract by Tori B.

I took these absrtact photos because i enjoy abstract. I like how you can take a picture of something, and it will look like something totally different or unreconizable. I also like to play aound with the movement of water to make it abstract.

by Lacey B.


Every Picture Tells a Story by Chelsea Thompson

Before deciding on a theme for my project, I discovered that a pair of aviators I own produce very good reflections. I had my sister put them on, and I just tried to catch her at different angles. Afterwards, I realized that most of my pictures contained a story. (For example, the one with the reflection of the boy's body in the sunglass lens could be a story about how a girl murdered the boy...It could be interpreted however the viewer wishes.


"Growing Up" By Louise D.

"Little kids always want to grow up super fast. I remember when I was about 5 or 6 and I could not wait to be 16 and be able to drive. But now that I am 16 and I can drive, I am realizing that it isn't all it's cracked up to be. I would much rather be 5 or 6. These photos represent my childhood ambitions of wishing i was a teenager."

"Child's Play" By Lauren B.

"These picture are of my cousin Danny at my grandparents house. All the pictures are of moment of action captured, and placed into a still frame. I love these pictures because there is always something awkward about him, whether it's his Alphalfa hair or his bent body. I learned only shoot children on a sunny day because you will need the 1/1000s speed."

"Photos in the style of Weegee" by Lacey B.

"Weegee's style was a very realistic, not always 'beautiful' thing. Many depict crime scene photographs. I decided to mimic his mysterious composition, texture and subjects"


"A story through negative combination" By Steven M.

"Mike, an average kid, loved running and lifting weights, and he recently got his license and a car. One horrible day, he was driving home from a track meet and lost control of his vehicle over a narrow bridge. He then is immediatley admitted to heaven, where his soul lives on."


"Train" by Marie B

"This project is one that I've wanted to do for a long time, I'm not quite sure what the theme is but the fact that it's an old train on the side of the highway is awesome. I like the pictures I took because they show texture and angles and things like that but i wish i could have taken pictures of the inside of the train. I guess fear of trespassing on private property next to the state trooper barracks plus lack of time got the better of me, but my goal in life is to explore it more."


Portraits by Steven M.

"Portraits" by Alex J.


"A Day in the Life Of?" by Zoe K.

"I did this project on a day right after a big snow storm. Since we were
stuck at home - all of the roads were too snowy to drive on - my mom spent a
lot of time catching up on some everyday chores and small jobs around the
house. I photographed all of the objects right after my mom stopped using
them or stepped out of the room. I liked this project because it gave me a
chance to try and take interesting photos of things as I found them. It was
a nice change; with one exception, all of my photographs so far have been
staged. I also recently read about a French photographer, installation and
conceptual artist named Sophie Calle who has done a bunch of things like
follow strangers around, secretly photographing them and writing about her
experience. I thought this was a really neat idea, and this project let me
take my own spin on it.”

Twin Trees by Colin O.

The inspiration for this project came from a photographer named Jerry Uelsmann, who works with different techniques in the dark room to put out some pretty brilliant work. One picture of his is of trees floating in mid air. I built from that idea first trying to duplicate it in my picture and then starting to experiment with it in the dark room. I tried a variety of things including moving the paper during the exposure to get a blurred effect, and printing it twice once upside down to create something like a reflection. This one was a result of simply printing the negative twice next to each other. Its actually just 1 tree. This turned out the best of all because of the very uniform background.


"Photos in the Style of Ansel Adams" By Allie K.

"In most of these pictures I tried to give an Ansel Adams look. The one picture (it's big) with the aperture reflection shows a nice scenery. The picture that shows a little stream with bushes and trees also portrays a look of Ansel Adams, because I know in some of his pieces he did some close-up and detailed photographs. I thought the one picture with the weird tree stump and water is also like an Ansel Adams because he did take weird pictures of tree structures. I remember one picture was of pieces of wood in like a teepee position. The last two give a wider, and more scenic view. One is a picture of the rock structure which definitely gives off an Ansel Adams look, and the other picture gives off a kind off dark feeling because the sun is shown on the top of the clouds, but it is dark underneath and on the ground in some places."

"Reflections" By Alexandra J.